Aerobatics Coaching and Dual Instruction

Aerobatics Coaching

Coaching is the best way to refine your competition or air show skills. Bill Stein’s aerobatic camps at his waivered box at Metz, a private airport in central California, are the perfect place to get that essential coaching. The combination of Bill’s decades of aerobatic flight experience and his interest in the psychology of the coaching process practically ensure that you will reap significant benefits. Bill can help you to improve your fundamental flying skills, package your sequence, and help you to develop your own flying style. Attendees have gone on to become category champions at the US National aerobatic championships, won regional titles, and have even been selected to the US Advanced Aerobatic team.

Bill Stein is also available to travel to your location for aerobatic training.

There is much truth in the saying, “The person with the best coach wins…” Call Bill Stein for details 408-691-2421 or send us an email at, and accelerate your path to greatness.

Dual Aerobatics Instruction

Depending on your type of aircraft and it’s mechanical condition, it is possible to receive aerobatic instruction in your own aircraft.  Bill has aerobatic time in many aircraft, from Citabrias and Decathalons to Stearmans, Pitt Specials, Extras and all the way through the Zivko Edge 540.

Call for details 408-691-2421 or send Bill an email at 

Pricing (Plus travel and expenses):

Dedicated coaching: $800/day

2-3 person camp: $800/day

4+ person camp: $1,000/day + $250/day per person additional (beyond 3 persons)


Bill Stein Taught me how to tie a bow tie!
Everybody's friend
Bill has never fallen asleep in my briefings!
Ralph Royce
Founder & CEO
Bill got "Robbed"!
Web Dude